Advisory opinions

This is a list of short summaries of advisory opinions. The list also includes decisions. In these cases, LOWI has declared the petition inadmissible. It has therefore not examined the substance of the petition and has not issued an advisory opinion.
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The full text of the advisory opinion is only available in Dutch. If you want to read the full text in English, you can use the Dutch text for translation purposes.

  • Advisory opinion 2025-01 and 2025-02
    Complaint filed against research institution is inadmissible. Complaint filed against individual is unfounded because it is not imputable to defendant as breach of the standards of the code of conduct. This does not alter the fact that the grant application contained an unfounded claim. LOWI advises to send this advisory opinion to the grant provider.
  • Advisory opinion 2024-22
    Commissioned research for Dutch government. Complaint is unfounded. It is more about a professional difference of opinion between researchers than about suspected research misconduct.
  • Advisory opinion 2024-21
    Commissioned research for Dutch government. The LOWI recommends that the complaint be declared inadmissible because the complainant has violated his duty of confidentiality.
  • Advisory opinion 2024-20
    Complaint about RIVM-fact sheet (national institute for public health). Standards from the code of conduct apply insofar as this can reasonably be required. The wording in the fact sheet is not carelessly.
  • Advisory opinion 2024-19
    No plagiarism in application for a so called Veni grant. Scientists who face a complaint about research integrity may confide in their supervisor about this. The duty of confidentiality shall not prevent this.
  • Decision 2024-18
    Petition that was filed too late is inadmissable. In addition the LOWI endorses the advisory opinion of the RIC of the TU Delft. The complaint concerns the appointment of a professor. The code of conduct does not apply to this.
  • Advisory opinions 2024-15, 2024-16 and 2024-17
    PhD candidate (medicine) comes into conflict with his project group. Complaints were filed back and forth. The LOWI deems the complaint about the PhD candidate partially well-founded (regarding authorship) and qualifies this as ‘questionable research practice’. It does not qualify as ‘research misconduct’. Counter-complaints by the PhD candidate about the project group are unfounded. ...
  • Advisory opinions 2024-12 and 2024-13
    Decisions of an FETC do not fall within the scope of the code of conduct. Although such decisions have consequences for scientific research, they are not themselves part of research practice. The administrative actions of the Dean in this case are also not covered by the code of conduct.
  • Advisory opinion 2024-14
    Complaints about authorship and the course of events surrounding a PhD project are unfounded.
  • Advisory opinion 2024-11
    Complaint about research on Sars-Cov-2 virus. LOWI deviates significantly from Research Integrity Committee advice because of additional information for the purpose of establishing facts. LOWI also differs from RIC in a more principled sense because LOWI qualifies several complaint components as professional differences of opinion that belong in scientific debate, not in a complaints procedure.