(Hi)story of LOWI
Composition of LOWI
Foundation LOWI
Advisory board
Affiliated institutions
Annual report
(Hi)story of LOWI
The LOWI was established in 2003 by the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences (KNAW), the Dutch Research Council (NWO), and the Universities of the Netherlands (UNL) (formerly VSNU). As an independent advisory body it plays a role in the complaints procedure about alleged violations of principles of research integrity.
Since its foundation, the annual number of petitions submitted to the LOWI has increased. And the number of institutions affiliated with the LOWI has grown considerably.
Read more about the development of LOWI:
- Notitie wetenschappelijke integriteit 2001 (available in Dutch only)
Composition of LOWI
The LOWI is composed of:
- mr. dr. Eric Daalder, chair
- prof. dr. Herman Bröring, deputy
- prof. dr. Han Brunner
- prof. dr. Judith van Erp
- prof. dr. Klaas Landsman
- prof. dr. Stijn Reijnders
- prof. dr. Sonja Smets
- dr. Joeri Tijdink
- dr. Patricia Vuijk
The LOWI is supported by Judith Zweistra, official secretary.
Foundation LOWI
The LOWI is governed by the independent Foundation LOWI.
The Board of the foundation is composed of:
- prof. dr. Judith van Erp, chair
- prof. dr. Inez de Beaufort, secretary
- prof. dr. Peter Hagoort, treasurer
Advisory board
The Foundation has an advisory board that serves as a sounding board for the foundation.
Its members are:
- prof. dr. Keimpe Algra, chair
- prof. dr. Ellen Giebels
- prof. dr. mr. Richard Grol
- prof. mr. Sacha Prechal
Affiliated institutions
These institutions are affiliated with the LOWI:
- Royal Netherlands Academy of Sciences (KNAW) and its institutes
- Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO) and its institutes
- Universities of the Netherlands (UNL), with the the fourteen affiliated Dutch research universities, including the university medical centres (UMCs)
- Sanquin Blood Supply
- University of Humanistic Studies
- National Institute for Public Health and the Environment (RIVM)
- Foundation Wageningen Research (formerly DLO Foundation)
- Netherlands institute for health services research (NIVEL)
- Theologische Universiteit Apeldoorn (TUA)
- Utrecht Theological University (TUU)
- Protestant Theological University (PThU)
- Princess Máxima Center for Pediatric Oncology
- Royal Netherlands Meteorological Institute (KNMI)
- Nyenrode Business Universiteit (NBU)
- WODC (Research and Documentation Centre)
- CPB Netherlands Bureau for Economic Policy Analysis
- PBL Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency
- Netherlands Institute for Social Research (SCP)
- The Netherlands Association of Universities of Applied Sciences (Vereniging Hogescholen)
- ZonMw
- Netherlands Institute for Transport Policy Analysis (KiM)
- Netherlands Cancer Institute (NKI)
Annual report
Since 1 January 2014, the LOWI issues an annual report covering the previous year, describing relevant trends and events.
- Annual Report 2023
- Annual Report 2022
- Annual Report 2021
- Annual Report 2020
- Annual Report 2019
- Annual Report 2018
- Annual Report 2017
- Annual Report 2016
- Annual Report 2015
- Annual Report 2014
The first annual report of the Foundation LOWI was published in 2021. (Only available in Dutch.)